Video blog
In today's sevice we continued looking at the "I am" sayings of Jesus with "I am the Good Shepherd".
In today's service we celebrated the Sacrament of Holy Baptism and we thought of Jesus saying: "I Am the Door".
In today's service we thought about how we can have "strength within".
We were delighted to welcome Mary Gargrave DCS to lead us in worship as we thought of "Abigail the peacemaker".
In today's service, we returned to Paul's Letter to the Ephesians and thought about "being included".
This morning we began a series in Paul's Letter to the Ephesians and thought about being "Chosen".
In today's service we thought about being "first or last".
In today's service we celebrated the Sacrament of Holy Communion and thought about being a "Community on the Move".
Today we thought about how we can "Transform Society".
(There were some techical issues during this service and apologise for any of the service that may be missing).
In today's service we looked at the story of Bartimaeus and asked the question: "What do you want?"
(There were some techical issues during this service and apologise for any of the service that may be missing).
In today's service we thought about The Great Comission and how we are to "teach one another".
In today's service we looked at the first of the 5 Marks of Mission: "Tell the Good News".
In today's service we looked at how God is Love.
In today's service we thought about shepherding.
In today's service we thought about doubt and belief.
In our Easter Sunday Service we took some time to think about "stone rolling".
Today is Palm Sunday and our Minister, Jim, helps us think about the "What Ifs".
Worship including the Sacrament of Holy Communion for the Fifth Sunday of Lent.
Today we looked at John 3: 14 - 21 and thought about why "God believes in us".
Today we thought of how God interupts our "Business as Usual".
On the First Sunday of Lent we take a look at Mark's account of the Temptation of Jesus.
To mark Racial Justice Sunday, we considered the Parable of the Good Samaritan.
In today's service we think about resting, healing, and serving.
We were delighted to welcome Mr. Gary Bainbridge back to Eastwood to lead today's service.
In today's service we think about God calling us to "come and see".
To start of the New Year, we think about how we could have our own "Epiphany".
This morning we had our Annual Service of Lessons and Carols and we also celebrated the Sacrament of Holy Baptism.
Our Minister, Jim, leads a shorter service for Christmas Day.
Watch again our Watchnight Service as we thought about how God wants to make a home with us at Christmas.
On the morning of Christmas Eve, we held our Annual Christingle Service.
Our Minister, Jim, led our Nativity Service and helped us think about who we think we are.
Worship for the Second Sunday of Advent.
In today's service we looked at Hannah's story from 1 Samuel 1.
In this service we began a new series looking at some of the women we find in the Bible. Today we considered how Sarah laughed but God is faithful.
In today's service we looked at Jesus calming the storm and our minister, Jim, helped us ponder on how we react when "stuff happens".
We were delighted to welcome the Rev. Wilma Pearson, who led us in worship and celebrated the Sacrament of Holy Communion with us.
Today we were thinking about Harvest and how we can share what we have with others.
We continue our series in Jeremiah, as the Prophet preaches in the Temple in Chapter 7.
In today's service we begin a short series from the book of Jeremiah.